public class HowEasy { public static void main(String[] args) { HowEasy m = new HowEasy(); System.out.println(m.pointVal("This is a problem statement")); System.out.println(m.pointVal("523hi.")); System.out.println(m.pointVal("Implement a class H5 which contains some method.")); System.out.println(m.pointVal(" no9 . wor7ds he8re. hj..")); } public int pointVal(String str) { int s=0,e=0; int wordNum=0,charNum=0; int len = str.length(); str = str.trim(); String[] strs = str.split(" "); for (String string : strs) { if(string.matches("[a-zA-Z]+\\.?")) { charNum++; wordNum+=string.length(); if(string.endsWith(".")) { wordNum--; } } //System.out.println(string+" charNum:"+charNum+" wordNum:"+wordNum); } if(0==wordNum) { return 250; } int judge = wordNum / charNum; if(judge<=3) { return 250; } else if(4==judge||5==judge) { return 500; } else { return 1000; } }}
Problem Statement | |||||||||||||
***Note: Please keep programs under 7000 characters in length. Thank youClass Name: PrerequisitesMathod Name: orderClassesParameters: String[]Returns: String[]You are a student at a college with the most unbelievably complex prerequisitestructure ever. To help you schedule your classes, you decided to put togethera program that returns the order in which the classes should be taken. Implement a class Prerequisites which contains a method orderClasses. Themethod takes a String[] that contains the classes you must take and returns aString[] of classes in the order the classes should be taken so that allprerequisites are met.String[] elements will be of the form (and TopCoder will ensure this):"CLASS: PRE1 PRE2 ..." where PRE1 and PRE2 are prerequisites of CLASS. CLASS,PRE1, PRE2, ... consist of a department name (3 or 4 capital letters, A-Zinclusive) followed by a class number (an integer between 100 and 999,inclusive). The department name should be immediately followed by the classnumber with no additional characters, numbers or spaces (i.e. MATH217). It isnot necessary for a class to have prerequisites. In such a case, the colon isthe last character in the String. You can only take one class at a time, therefore, use the following rules todetermine which class to take :1) Any prerequisite class(es) listed for a class must be taken before the classcan be taken.2) If multiple classes can be taken at the same time, you take the one with thelowest number first, regardless of department.3) If multiple classes with the same number can be taken at the same time, youtake the department name which comes first in alphabetical order. 4) If the inputted course schedule has errors, return a String[] of length 0.There is an error if it is impossible to return the classes in an order suchthat all prerequisites are met, or if a prerequisite is a course that does nothave its own entry in the inputted String[].Examples of valid input Strings are:"CSE111: CSE110 MATH101""CSE110:"Examples of invalid input Strings are:"CS117:" (department name must consist of 3 - 4 capital letters, inclusive)"cs117:" (department name must consist of 3 - 4 capital letters, inclusive)"CS9E11:" (department name must be letters only)"CSE110: " (no trailing spaces allowed)"CSE110: CSE101 " (no trailing spaces allowed)"MATH211: MAM2222" (class number to large)"MATH211: MAM22" (class number to small)"ENGIN517: MATH211" (department name to large)Here is the method signature (be sure your method is public):String[] orderClasses(String[] classSchedule);TopCoder will make sure classSchedule contains between 1 and 20 Strings,inclusive, all of the form above. The Strings will have between 1 and 50characters, inclusive. TopCoder will check that the syntax of the Strings arecorrect: The Strings will contain a valid class name, followed by a colon,possibly followed by a series of unique prerequisite classes separated bysingle spaces. Also, TopCoder will ensure that each class has at most oneentry in the String[]. Examples:If classSchedule={"CSE121: CSE110","CSE110:","MATH122:",}The method should return: {"CSE110","CSE121","MATH122"}If classSchedule={"ENGL111: ENGL110","ENGL110: ENGL111"}The method should return: {}If classSchedule=["ENGL111: ENGL110"}The method should return: {}If classSchedule={"CSE258: CSE244 CSE243 INTR100""CSE221: CSE254 INTR100""CSE254: CSE111 MATH210 INTR100""CSE244: CSE243 MATH210 INTR100""MATH210: INTR100""CSE101: INTR100""CSE111: INTR100""ECE201: CSE111 INTR100""ECE111: INTR100""CSE243: CSE254""INTR100:"}The method should return:{"INTR100","CSE101","CSE111","ECE111","ECE201","MATH210","CSE254","CSE221","CSE243","CSE244","CSE258"} | |||||||||||||
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